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Bad Drivers?

Well the results are in. FLORIDA WAS THE TOP STATE WITH THE WORST DRIVERS. I bet many Floridian’s are not shocked by the results of the two recent surveys by SmartAsset and CheapCarInsurance.com.

The SmartAsset survey look at things like accident statistics, DUI arrests, traffic tickets, insurance data and other factors to determine which of our assumptions about certain interstate drivers are true and which are off the mark. Four of the top ten states were in the southeast.

The SmartAsset survey found that Floridians google “speeding tickets” and “traffic tickets” more than any other state. Florida also has the second lowest number of insured drivers in the nation.

CheapCarInsurance.net surveyed 2000 motorists on roadway behaviors. Survey respondents were provided with a range of behind-the-wheel behaviors like honking, red light running, driving too fast, preventing merges or vehicle passing, cutting people off, driving slow in the left lane, flipping off another driver, playing loud music, threats of physical harm, and then ranking them between harmless or aggressive. CheapCarInsurance.net discovered that results could vary based on location, age, gender, and even the color of your vehicle. CheapCarInsurance.net found Florida as the worst state for driver skills and were the worst drivers in the country; however, Florida fell in the middle of the pack for polite, courteous drivers.

We all know driving can be very frustrating. Whether heavy traffic, bad weather, or inconsiderate drivers, it is vital to manage our stress and remain calm. If elevated, you not only put yourself at risk but also others on the road including other drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists and more. So as you head out on the roadway take a deep breath, stay calm, try to be tolerant and patient, and focus on your destination.

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