Questions Regarding Your Medication

Do you have questions regarding your medications – are they harmful, ineffective or even dangerous? There is a helpful website where you can get an independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, medications or supplements.

Worst Pills, Best Pills ( is a project of Public Citizen’s Health Research Group. This group is a non-profit organization that does not take corporate or government donations or advertising.

The site allows users and subscribers to find a drug, a disease or a side effect. For instance, we recently did a blog on the dangers of Fluoroquinolones. You can search on Find a Drug – Family of Drugs – Fluoroquinolones and get the following report. Consumers can also find or subscribe to the latest articles and alerts.

The Group also provides consumers with a helpful Worst Pills, Best Pills Drug Worksheet for Patients, Family, Doctor and Pharmacist. This worksheet allows you to track, by doctor, the medications you are taking, the dosage, usage, any interactions, etc.

It is very important for you to know about your medications in order to stay safe. A worksheet is a great way to track your medications (prescription and over the counter) and help your doctor and pharmacist have the most current information about you and any possible drug concerns, interactions, side effects, allergic reactions, drug usage, and more.

Other organizations also offer medicine record templates like the Food & Drug Administration and AARP. No matter which form you choose, it is very important to keep it up to date, provide it to the necessary medical professionals and family members, and it is also recommended that you carry your record with you in case of an emergency.

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