
  • Paraquat exposure is linked to the development of Parkinson’s disease.
  • More than 60 countries have banned the use of Paraquat.
  • The use of Paraquat is increasing in the US as farmers and agricultural workers continue to face exposure risk.
  • Paraquat is commonly used as a toxic weed killer in the production of crops and has doubled in the past decade. Farmers apply more than 10 million pounds of this toxic chemical per year.
  • Studies have shown that those who use Paraquat are twice as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease in the future.
  • Common uses around Paraquat that create the biggest risk include Mixing or loading the chemical, Spraying it, Maintaining tanks, and spending time in fields where it is sprayed.
  • Evidence shows that it can drift from the application site to nearby communities and towns.

Please note that in some matters, KALIS, KLEIMAN & WOLFE may co-counsel or refer the case to another lawyer or law firm.

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