Mass Tort

What is a Mass Tort?

A Mass Tort occurs when a group of individuals are harmed by the same act or omission. These groups of victims have claims against the same defendant arising from the same issue. Usually, these cases can be combined in a multi-district litigation.

Characteristics of a Mass Tort

  • Many claims arising from the use of a single product.
  • The claims have common factual and legal issues.
  • The persons making a claim share a common goal.
  • Cases are consolidated for pretrial purposes.
  • Each person has their own individual claim (case).

Typical Mass Torts Include:

  • Defective Drugs
  • Defective Medical Devices
  • Dangerous Consumer Products

Kalis, Kleiman & Wolfe handles cases where a person has been injured due to a negligently designed or manufactured drug or product or due to a manufacturer’s failure to warn of a known complication or risk.

Mass Torts

Please note that in some matters, KALIS, KLEIMAN & WOLFE may co-counsel or refer the case to another lawyer or law firm.

See Our Notable Cases

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  2. 2 100+ Years of Combined Experience
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