Articles – Part 2

The Raging Roadways

Road Rage Horn Blower In a prior article, we discussed the difference between Road Rage and Aggressive Driving […]

Are Home Sellers Surveilling Home Buyers?

Have you ever gone into a home that was for sale with your real estate agent or to an open house and the sellers refused to leave? Or maybe the sellers watched you from […]

Back to School Safety Tips

Last year for back to school, we discussed school bus and driving safety tips. This year we tackle backpack safety. In the coming days we will see many students headed back […]

Risks of Hiring Unlicensed Contractors

Working with an unlicensed contractor or vendor is not advised and often reminds one of an old saying “penny wise, pound foolish.” While the potential […]

Water Park Safety

Millions flock to water parks each year to cool off and have fun in the wave pools, meandering rivers, and waterslides. The World Waterpark Association states […]

Protecting Homestead Property from Creditors

The State of Florida provides Florida residents with homestead protection and homestead tax exemptions. Specifically, Article X, Section 4 […]

Restrictions on Conveying Homestead Property

Do you know the restrictions on conveying (transferring) your homestead property in your Last Will and Testament when you have a spouse and/or minor […]

Dangers of Self Prepared Last Will & Testament

Why it is important to have your Last Will and Testament prepared by an experienced probate attorney verses doing it yourself. While you are not legally required to hire a lawyer […]

Qui Tam Lawsuits and The Whistleblower/Relator

Qui Tam is derived from the Latin phrase “qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur,” originally meaning “he who pursues this action […]

Exposing Nursing Home Safety Risks

CNN recently exposed the Sick, Dying and Raped in America’s Nursing Homes. “The unthinkable is happening at facilities throughout the country: Vulnerable seniors […]

Pedestrian Deaths on the Increase

Last year we shared an important blog – Broward County is Dangerous for Pedestrians & Bicyclists. This year the news doesn’t get better. A new study by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) shows […]

Traffic Deaths on the Rise

Despite educational campaigns and safety features like seat belts, rearview cameras, and collision avoidance systems, car accidents and death rates have taken a sharp […]

Do You Know to Merge into Traffic?

We all face it on a regular basis – traffic jams on I-95, Florida’s Turnpike and other major roadways. This is often the results of motor vehicle accidents, distracted drivers, slow drivers in passing lanes, aggressive drivers, lane closures, and […]

Dangers of Drowsy Driving

A Palm Beach Post article highlighted the dangers of drowsy driving, stating it is as dangerous as a DUI. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) categorizes drowsy driving as impaired driving — the same category it uses for driving under the influence. According to a […]

Florida’s Uninsured Motorists

Auto insurance is mandatory for everyone who drives a car, the requirements vary from state to state. Florida law requires that motor vehicles with four or more wheels must carry […]

People Consuming Pet Medication

Some of us may be sharing a little too much with our pets. The American Society for Microbiology study on prescribed antibiotics found that 25-percent of respondents reported using someone else’s antibiotics […]

Florida’s Urban Sprawl to Continue

Did you know that more than 1000 people move to Florida each day? Did you know that in 2014, Florida’s population surpassed that of New York, making it the third largest state in the nation? With this growth, what does this mean to […]

Attorney Scott Kleiman to Serve as NPF Broward Chair of Inaugural Moving Day®

Attorney Scott Kleiman to Serve as NPF Broward Chair of Inaugural Moving Day®. Davie, Florida – KALIS, KLEIMAN & WOLFE Partner M. Scott Kleiman will serve as the Broward Chair of the National Parkinson Foundation’s Moving Day® — an inaugural […]

Does Time of Day Affect Your Surgery Results?

Does Time of Day Affect Your Surgery Results? Yes, the time of day you have surgery can affect your outcome according to a press release from the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists. New Canadian research by McGill University in […]

Hotel Safety Concerns

Fox Sports reporter, Erin Andrews, recently was awarded a $55 million award for the pain and suffering of being videotaped naked in a Nashville hotel room in 2008. Andrews sued, in a civil trial, her stalker, who was found 51% responsible and […]

Accidents With Driverless Cars

What was once thought to be seen only in cartoons, or not in our life time, is quickly becoming a reality. Driverless cars, also referred to as self-driving cars, robotic cars, and autonomous vehicles, are motor vehicles that need no driver […]

You’ve Been in an Accident, now What do You do?

Be Prepared Before the Accident. Each year you should review your auto insurance policy to make sure that you are current and are carrying the right type of coverage by law to protect yourself in the event of an accident with an insured or […]

Broward County is Dangerous for Pedestrians & Bicyclists

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles recent data shows that Broward County had the second-highest number of pedestrian and bicycle fatalities in Florida. According a Sun-Sentinel article, statewide, there were 606 […]

Are Electronic Prescriptions Safer?

In New York, doctors are legally required to send prescriptions to pharmacies electronically instead of handing patients a handwritten prescription slip. The new program is called Internet System for Tracking Over-Prescribing Act (I-STOP) […]

Do Your Headlights Work?

Are you having trouble seeing behind the wheel at night? You are not alone. In a first ever test and report by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) showed that a third of U.S. midsized car model’s headlight’s do a poor job illuminating […]

Hospitals Looking at Volume & Less-Experienced Doctors

According to an article by PBS, three hospitals are launching an effort to reduce the number of surgeries by less-experienced doctors. This is partially done to reduce the number of patients treated unsuccessfully by inexperienced surgeons at […]

Helping Teens Become Responsible Drivers

Established by Congress in 2007, National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) is held annually during the third week of October (October 15-21, 2017). The week is dedicated to raising awareness of the tremendous risks teens […]

The Law Firm of KALIS, KLEIMAN & WOLFE Proudly Supports Davie’s Annual Charity Pet Fashion Show and Open Horse Show

Davie, Florida – KALIS, KLEIMAN & WOLFE are sponsors the 2016 Pet Fashion Show and Open Horse Show at the Bergeron Rodeo Grounds on Sunday, June 12, 2016. The Show is sponsored by the Town of Davie and proceeds benefit Friends of the Davie […]

The Importance of a Will, why do I Need one?

The recent death of musician Prince provides a good example of why one benefits from having a Will. At the current time, no will has been presented or is believed to exist. Therefore, the future of his estate including his business, multiple […]

Defective Tire Recall System

A 2014 investigation by ABC News revealed that because of a badly flawed and archaic government recall system, millions of potentially dangerous recalled tires remained on the roads, on store shelves for sale, or simply went unaccounted for […]

Attorney Neal Kalis Discussed Transactional Life Within Real Estate Law

Davie, Florida –Attorney Neal Kalis of Kalis, Kleiman & Wolfe gave Floridian’s a glimpse of Transactional Life Within Real Estate Law on May 20, 2016, on WBZT Radio 1230 AM. Commercial and Residential Real Estate in South Florida is growing but […]

Boating Accidents on the Rise in Florida

With more than 65,000 total square miles of water it is no surprise that Florida led the nation with 915,713 registered vessels in 2015. Unfortunately, Florida also ranks at the top for the number of recreational boating accidents […]

Road Rage or Aggressive Driving

Over the Memorial Day weekend an observer videotaped a shocking road-rage video of a Florida driver who appears to deliberately slam into a motorcycle. The alleged driver was arrested and faces hit-and-run and aggravated battery charges […]

Dangers of Fluorquinolone Antibiotics

While Fluoroquinolones play an important role in treating serious infections such as those caused by bacteria that are resistant to other types of antibiotics, they can cause serious side effects in the case of less severe illnesses and […]

First Death in Semi-Autonomous Car

In an April post, “Accidents with Driverless Cars,” we discussed the reality of driverless cars (also referred to as hands-free cars or semi-autonomous cars) including who is at fault in a driverless car accident and what is the future […]

Questions Regarding Your Medication

Do you have questions regarding your medications – are they harmful, ineffective or even dangerous? There is a helpful website where you can get an independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, medications or supplements […]

Tire Safety & Florida’s Rainy Season

It’s that time of year again here in South Florida – our Rainy Season. Locals know that the rainy season normally begins the end of May and can run-through October. And it’s wet. All this rainy weather means driving conditions can become dangerous […]

Pokemon Go Accidents, Injuries & Lawsuits

Pokémon Go is a smartphone game app released this summer by Niantic, Inc., in partnership with Nintendo, Ltd and The Pokémon Company with players competing to hunt virtual Pokémon pocket monster characters. It has become the most popular mobile […]

Back to School Safety

To the delight (and some dismay) of millions of students and parents, the school season is about to begin. Students across America will be headed back to school over the next couple of weeks. That means more road congestion and traffic pattern […]

Amusement Park Safety

American’s love their 400 water, amusement and theme parks – Walt Disney World, Universal Studio, Busch Gardens, Cedar Point, SeaWorld, Legoland, Six Flags, Knotts Berry Farm, and Schlitterbahn to name a few, not to mention the thousands of carnivals […]

Helmet Maker Riddell Sued

Paul Hornung, a former NFL Hall of Famer for the Green Bay Packers and a former Heisman Trophy winner, has filed a law suit against equipment manufacturer Riddell Inc. asserting that the company knew of the dangers of brain trauma more than 50 […]

High School and College Athletes Affected by CTE

The Stanford Daily has reported that Former Stanford football player David Burns ’76 has filed a class action lawsuit seeking damages for the alleged disregard of the health and safety of former Stanford football players. The suit names the […]

Bad Drivers?

Well the results are in. FLORIDA WAS THE TOP STATE WITH THE WORST DRIVERS. I bet many Floridian’s are not shocked by the results of the two recent surveys by SmartAsset and The SmartAsset survey look at things like accident statistics, DUI arrests, traffic tickets, insurance data and other factors to determine […]

Are You Paying too Much in Real Estate Taxes?

The attorneys of the Law Firm of KALIS, KLEIMAN & WOLFE remind homeowners that they should have or soon will receive their TRIM Notice (property value and real estate taxes) from the Property Appraiser’s Office.e Property Appraiser has over assessed your real estate, you may be paying too much in real estate taxes […]

Nursing Home Abuse via Social Media

People, often our family members and loved ones, entering nursing homes expect that there are reasonable safeguards in place to ensure their safety and quality of care. This was not the case in an assisted living facility in California, where nursing home abuse has […]

Trucking Industry Appealing Electronic Logging Device Rule

A controversial mandate that would require electronic logging devices (ELD) in U.S. trucks by the end of 2016 goes before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago in September, putting the rule’s fate at risk. The Owner-Operator Independent […]

Hospital Care and Elder Patients

Hospital Care and Elder Patients Are you more likely to end up in a worse condition than you arrived in a hospital if you are old or elderly? A CNN article shares research that about one-third of patients over 70-years-old and more than half of patients over 85 leave […]

Child Passenger Safety Week & Seat Check Day

September 18-24 is Child Passenger Safety Week and September 24 is National Seat Check Saturday. According to the National Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), every 33 seconds, one child under the age of 13 is involved in a crash. Many times deaths and injuries […]

Using Technology to Reduce Medical Errors

Boston-based Brigham and Women’s Hospital created a web-based handoff tool and trained its employees in an effort to reduce medical errors. Now researchers are reporting that they have seen lower medical error rates as a result. This report comes a few months after […]

Articles – Part 1

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